ATS 10 Week Skills League, $15 per week
Come test your firearms skills against other shooters on the ATS digital simulation range by joining the 10 week ATS Skills League. Starting 12 Feb 2024 the league runs for 10 consecutive weeks you will shoot a different set of drills and be ranked against the other players in the league. Prizes for the 1st ($250 value, ATS store credit) and 2nd ($150 value, ATS store credit) place high scores and the most improved shooter ($200 value, ATS store credit). This league is open to anyone 18+ and all skill levels. Includes after-league celebration and awards presentation. Gift certificates can be used to purchase training, firearms, ammo, knives, books, or accessories from Applied Training Solutions.
Each week you can shoot either Monday or Tuesday from 5-7 PM. You will get to warm up on a variety of drills before shooting the required event for the week.
At the end of the ATS 10 week league, ATS will host a championship tournament against the top shooter from Bad Wolf Tactical. The winner will be hailed as the best shooter of Mid-Michigan.
Pay by the week before you shoot, use the link to sign-up for the first week. Email for more details.