Women Shooter Wednesday

ATS Midland is hosting a special series of events to introduce firearms and other self-defense techniques. This event is for women only and is held every third Wednesday of the month. 

It is designed for all skill and experience levels. If you have never fired a weapon and are interested in learning proper technique and safety this is the event for you. Even if you have a CPL or experience shooting, there are advanced techniques and skills you can acquire from attending this event.
Given the high cost of ammo, you can learn to shoot on our laser simulation range safely and more cost-effectively. The training you undertake at our range will help improve your skills for your next live-fire exercise.  This session will focus on the use of Krav Maga-type techniques to protect yourself as well as helping develop your situational awareness skills.  Employing these techniques can help you avoid a self-defense situation. 
All our range drills use laser handguns in a safe, relaxed learning environment. While our training tools use lasers to determine shot placement, we teach all the proper handling, safety, and skill-building techniques to enhance your next live-fire training.  All participants will be offered an opportunity to take our Michigan CPL class at a discounted rate of $125. Please email info@simu-range.com for more details. Please make your reservation to train at the Midwest's finest laser simulation training range or email training@simu-range.com for more information.