Home Defense Tactics

Introductory Class


$25.00 per person


About this experience

The Home Defense Tactics Course will provide you with an introduction to self-defense firearm use in the home, safety, defensive concepts, and developing a home defense plan.  Course format is a lecture and approximate length is 1 hour.  The following skills will be taught:

  • Safety

  • Situational awareness

  • Creating a home defense plan

  • Understanding ballistics of selected home defense weapon

  • Staging weapons safely

  • Determining most likely breaching areas of home invaders and best defensive position against that attack

  • Identifying areas where family members will assemble/retreat to in the event of a breach

  • Roles and responsibilities of each family member during a home invasion or breach

  • Challenge and response codes to declare situation safe if a panic room is being used

  • Roles and responsibilities of other family members during and after an attack.


Your Host

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ATS-Midland is the premier digital firearms training range in the Midwest. Our instructors have extensive experience and have adapted combat proved techniques for civilian self-defense training. We use a combination of digital range and live fire training events to help students improve their marksmanship, handling skills, and use of force decisions.